Tuesday, June 4, 2013

AG Magazines

Hey every one I just made some doll Summer magazines feel free to print out <3

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hey guys this is Felicity and I am going to tell you what I got for Christmas this year .I got a compus and ship in a bottle and I think Marisol wants a turn so bye.
Hi everyone this is marisol and this year I got safety goggles and that is it now Rebecca is bugging me to get on so...bye
hi fashion divas this year was so FAB I got hotpink lip gloss,a totes stylish new phone, and my very first AG doll it looks just like me and we have matching out fits so lets me tell U about my phone its blue super adorbs and I am going to be texting away to all my BFFs so I am soooa5wygGhheyyyyyyyyyyyy1its like sooo coolyjrgh sorry Rebecca keeps wanting to talk but its my turn so I got a lime green phone lipgloss and my first EVER AG doll named Caroline historical GOTY 2012 I LOVE her she is beautiful GTG bye <3soo i luv my new phone............. wait Felicity dont press ENTE

Monday, May 6, 2013

fashion show

This is Rebecca here and me and mogan just went to the fashion show so here is some pics...enjoy <3
this is a summer outfit that is so adorable <3

it was a truley wonderful experiance <3

this is a high waist out fit that is super cute <3

this is a fancy outfit that is adorbs <3
this is a close up on the trophy <3
this is us winning the trophy  <3                                             

Saturday, May 4, 2013

rain rain go away

Hello this is Felicity and this week it has been raining on and off all day long witch is disappointing because ma and Marisol were going to go to the beach today so we had Morgan make us cute beach outfits and because of rain we cant use them :( . I hope it stops raining soon because luvAGforever says it looks the bet on me and I really want to show it off to all my friends at the beach...rain please go away!
       ~ sincerely ,

Friday, May 3, 2013

Meet the sisters
favorite color:hey it Felicity and i would say my favorite color is green or blue 
Hobbies:camping,hiking,nature,acting and spying 
Fun fact:I LOVE to blog on rainy,cold or cloudy days <3

favorite color:my favorite color is red
Hobbies:science,reading,doing anything that dosent involve wearing puffy stuff or super girly things... blah
Fun fact: I am really NERDY I always enter the science fair, I am almost always reading a book,  and every year I go to comicon 8)
(Marisol is also a tomboy and trys to avoid things like teapartys)

favorite color:purple,purple,purple 
Hobbies:fashion,dolls,acting,being at the mall,shopping,getting make overs,ballet really any dancing,yoga,and getting massages and being on youtube
Personality:i think stylish and AWESOME <3
fun fact: I have a really BIG secret so I am going to type small so get ready I like camping don't tell ANYONE 

favorite color: my fav colors are pink and lime
Hobbies:blogging,making up stories,dolls,sewing,camping,swimming,soccer(sports),and going to my my church and youth group and lastly TRAVELING!!!!
Pesonality :understanding,adventurous,kind
Fun fact: I love animals
hey everybody this is secret agent jellybean (a.k.a) agent felicity reporting for duty my fellow family members are doing homework so i got on me and my sisters' blog and thought that i would put up this picture because it has me and all my sisters in it so lets get started on names ...me on the top far left...marisol on the bottom far right... rebecca top far right... my little sister emma (bottom middle) and my little sister Sophia (bottom far left with bangs) and my sister Morgan is not in this picture and finally our Best friend Nancy top middle