Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hey guys this is Felicity and I am going to tell you what I got for Christmas this year .I got a compus and ship in a bottle and I think Marisol wants a turn so bye.
Hi everyone this is marisol and this year I got safety goggles and that is it now Rebecca is bugging me to get on so...bye
hi fashion divas this year was so FAB I got hotpink lip gloss,a totes stylish new phone, and my very first AG doll it looks just like me and we have matching out fits so lets me tell U about my phone its blue super adorbs and I am going to be texting away to all my BFFs so I am soooa5wygGhheyyyyyyyyyyyy1its like sooo coolyjrgh sorry Rebecca keeps wanting to talk but its my turn so I got a lime green phone lipgloss and my first EVER AG doll named Caroline historical GOTY 2012 I LOVE her she is beautiful GTG bye <3soo i luv my new phone............. wait Felicity dont press ENTE

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